MHC Blog
Treat a cause of migraine
Follow me on a little story that describes the standard approach to headache and migraine and why it often doesn’t work in the long run. You are sitting in the living room watching the news and the weather forecast comes on. Rain. That little feeling in the pit of your stomach kicks in. Just relax…
Read MoreCloudy with a Chance of Migraine
Up to 53% of migraineurs report weather changes as a consistent trigger making it one of the most commonly reported triggers for migraine behind stress, hormones and skipped meals. A subject of interest as far back as 1974, researchers have spent decades trying to examine the question: Does weather actually trigger migraine attacks, and if…
Read MoreNew and Improved – The Facts and Hype about CGRP
In part 1 of this blog we learned about the new class of drugs for migraine prophylaxis or prevention – the CGRP monoclonal antibodies (CGRP-mAbs or CGRP inhibitors). In summary CGRP is produced by irritated nerves as part of our inflammatory/healing pathway. With the trigeminal system being irritated in migraineurs, they have more CGRP, but this is…
Read MoreThe Facts and Hype about CGRP Antibodies
A new class of migraine preventive medication is on the way, and whilst you should be excited about its possibilities, it is accompanied by a lot of hype, some positive results, some misleading claims, and a hefty price-tag. Now more than ever you need to understand the facts about these drugs so you can inform…
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