New and Improved – The Facts and Hype about CGRP

Medicine Pills And The Bottle

In part 1 of this blog we learned about the new class of drugs for migraine prophylaxis or prevention – the CGRP monoclonal antibodies (CGRP-mAbs or CGRP inhibitors). In summary CGRP is produced by irritated nerves as part of our inflammatory/healing pathway. With the trigeminal system being irritated in migraineurs, they have more CGRP, but this is…

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The Facts and Hype about CGRP Antibodies

Medicine Pills And The Bottle

A new class of migraine preventive medication is on the way, and whilst you should be excited about its possibilities, it is accompanied by a lot of hype, some positive results, some misleading claims, and a hefty price-tag. Now more than ever you need to understand the facts about these drugs so you can inform…

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